Community Engagement

Going Green At 70 Chemicals in the Household. With Climate Action Committee Member Nancy MacRae.

Hey Green Beans – how’s it going?  Are you ready to dig into household products that are loaded with chemicals? Let’s get started!

First off, I am not suggesting you throw out every product you use but you could, like me, replace them with more environmentally friendly products.

Let’s tackle the kitchen.


I got rid of most of my cleaning products - you know the ones that have ‘toxic’ on the bottle, the skull and crossbones, or, at the very least, those ingredients that you can never pronounce. I thought maybe they weren’t healthy to have around. And really, how many cleaners did I need? I bought an eco-friendly all-purpose cleaner and that eliminated several individual ones. I love those magic clothes for glass and mirrors; they are so effective, and the good news is I am not breathing in toxic fumes.  They are very easy to find, just Google and you can order them. Bonus – you won’t need paper towels, more on that in another blog.

I also make great use of vinegar and baking soda. The fact is when you combine the two ingredients; both very inexpensive I might add, they produce a chemical reaction that’s powerful. It can scrub and scour your sinks, tub, shower tiles, kitchen counters, and most appliances.  

I did find it hard to give up Comet, but my stainless-steel sink gets just as shiny using baking soda. I am totally hooked and I buy it in bulk.

Please note: baking soda can be too harsh for ceramic, glass, or marble.

When you need to unclog a drain, pour in a combination of ½ cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar. This is according to Bob Vila, a well-known and respected TV home improvement personality whose name is often connected with the PBS show “This Old House.”  He says always keep the ratio of one-part baking soda to two parts vinegar for the best drain cleaner for kitchen sink gunk. The natural drain cleaner mixture will fizz and bubble, similar to those toxic poisonous ones. Once it dies down, flush the drain with very hot water for five minutes, then run the cold water. Seriously, why wouldn’t we all use this method?

I do use eco-friendly laundry products, but you can also add ½ cup of baking soda with your laundry soap to help boost its cleaning power. I seriously don’t think my clothes get dirty enough for this but if you have kids who are active in sports and playing outside, you might want to try it. For that matter, you might be playing outside!  Adding one cup of vinegar during the rinse cycle will help kill bacteria in the load and doubles as a chemical-free fabric softener; that one I do use.

Are you convinced yet?

Here are a few more suggestions:

Pour a tablespoon of baking soda and add ½ tablespoon of white vinegar, then add a cup of boiling water. Immerse your silverware for about a minute.

Oh, and sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of your green bin to eliminate odours.

When it’s time to clean the shower head, remove and immerse it in a bowl with enough white vinegar to cover it. Let it sit overnight and then remove the shower head and shake on some baking soda. Once it starts to bubble, clean the shower head with a toothbrush and rinse with cold water. Now you have a nice clean shower head and water will actually come out of all the holes!

If you still have carpets and you have pets that could have an accident, you might get the odd stain. You obviously want to keep your pets but need a way to get rid of the stains. What else but a combination of baking soda and vinegar to the rescue? Blot the spot with vinegar, then shake some baking soda over the top. Leave the mixture until it completely dries and then vacuum. The stain will be gone and for those with a keen sense of smell – the odour will also be gone!

I wish I could say I am the genius who came up with all these great cleaning solutions but alas, I find them all online. I try out as many as I can. 

One of my favourites is “One Good Thing by Jillee” 

More on this topic later but for now, I leave you with one of my favourite quotes….

"Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger? Know that you yourself are essential to this world. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this world. Did you think you were put here for something less?" - Lakota Native American Spiritual Leader, Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Until next time, stay green…