Babysitting Safety

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Babysitting is a job that carries a large responsibility. DO NOT treat babysitting as just a way to earn money.

Approach the job with a mature and responsible attitude. Every babysitting assignment should be carefully planned to ensure the safety and well-being of both the child and the babysitter.

Helpful hints

  • Enroll in a babysitting course which is available to young people over 11 years of age at most community centers.
  • Enroll in a First Aid/CPR course.
  • Be businesslike and clearly state the days you are available, hours you may work, experience you have had, and pay you consider fair.
  • Get specific information such as the parent’s name, address and phone number, number of children and their ages, escort and transportation that will be provided to and from the job etc.
  • Write all information on paper to avoid confusion or misunderstandings.
  • DO NOT accept a job if you do not know the person calling - ask who recommended you, then check back. If in doubt, refuse.
  • DO NOT advertise on bulletin boards. It may solicit unwelcome responses.

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While on the job

  • Leave a note with your parents as to the time you will be expected home and the address and phone number of where you will be working.
  • Ensure you have specific instructions for handling incoming calls or actions to be taken if the doorbell rings– NEVER tell anyone who calls that you are alone.
  • Know where the parents of the children you are caring for can be reached.
  • Know what to do in case of a fire, an accident, or other emergencies.
  • DO NOT have friends over while you are working.
  • Never identify yourself as the sitter on the phone, instead, let them know the parent cannot come to the phone and take a message to call them back.
  • If someone comes to the door and you are suspicious, or if you suspect a prowler, stay inside and call the police at 9-1-1.
  • Try to remember the phone number and address of the location you are babysitting in.
  • DO NOT eat any food unless you have permission.
  • DO NOT open closets, drawers or read personal letters.
  • DO NOT allow friends to visit you while babysitting.
  • DO NOT make prolonged personal phone calls.
  • Make sure you have a safe escort home.

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Learn the full names of the children you are babysitting and their physical descriptions, such as:

  •  Age
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair
  • Eyes
  • Clothing

Emergency information

  • Tour your home with the babysitter. Review your home escape plan. Discuss the floor plan, pointing out marked exits in case of fire.
  • Make it clear to the babysitter that if there is smoke or fire, your only concern is that everyone is out of the house quickly and safely.
  • Point out emergency telephone numbers to the babysitter and provide him or her with an emergency contact sheet.
  • Show the babysitter where you store the emergency kit.

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Important phone numbers

  • Police, Fire, Ambulance: 9-1-1
  • All other Police related calls: 902-755-8318
  • Poison Control and Sick Kids Hospital: 416- 813-5900
  • Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

To report a crime to the New Glasgow Regional Police that is not an emergency, call: 902-752-1941. 


For more information on babysitting safety or other crime prevention topics, please contact Cst. Ken MacDonald at 902-755-8318
or email: