pdf Downtown Parking brochure (1.36 MB)
There are over 250 FREE Parking Spaces in Downtown New Glasgow
Tips to reduce parking tickets
- If you are planning a short-term stay Downtown, remember on-street parking has a maximum of three hours.
- Short-term to long-term parking is available at free lots throughout the Downtown.
- Remember to look up and read the street signs. Not all on-street parking regulations are the same.
- Your vehicle must be parallel to the curb, your tires must not be in excess of 6" from the curb and your front or rear bumper should not encroach a white line.
- Disabled and reserved parking and loading zones are clearly marked. Drivers often pull into these spaces to wait for a friend or to run a quick errand. These spaces are reserved for those that require them or to enable service to businesses in the Downtown core. Thank you for respecting the need for all to have access to our Downtown New Glasgow shops and services and the need to keep accessibility to our local businesses available.
Available at many public access spaces
- New Glasgow Town Hall, Provost Street
- Glasgow Square Theatre, Riverside Parkway
- New Glasgow Farmers Market, Jury Street
- Laurie Park, Dalhousie Street
- Corner of Dalhousie Street & Archimedes Street (near Way-Finding Kiosk)
- Riverfront Gazebo, next to Glasgow Square
- Rotary Park on the Samson Trail (near George Street Bridge)