Climate Action Planning and Reduction Targets
Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program
The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is a network of over 490 Municipalities across Canada working to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions while creating economic and social benefits for their communities. The program has been operating for over 20 years as a joint effort between the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI Canada— Local Governments for Sustainability. This program provides technical tools, mentorship, and a nationwide network to support climate action locally and across the country. The Town of New Glasgow became a PCP member in 1998 when council officially adopted a joining resolution.
The PCP program outlines a 5-milestone framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the corporate (Municipal) and community level.
- Milestone 1: Builds the foundation through the creation of a baseline emissions inventory and business-as-usual (BAU) forecast.
- Milestone 2: Set an emission reduction target.
- Milestone 3: Develop of a local action plan to achieve emission reductions.
- Milestone 4: Implement the local action plan.
- Milestone 5: Monitor progress and report results.
The 5-milestone framework is individually done for both the Municipality's corporate emissions (i.e. municipally-owned operations) and for community-wide emissions.
Please refer to the Municipal Climate Action and Community Climate Action for more information on the Town’s emission inventories, reduction targets and action plans.
Partners For Climate Protection 5-milestone Framework

Municipal Role in Climate Action
Municipalities are at the forefront of climate action in Nova Scotia and across Canada. According to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, it is estimated that municipalities have control or influence over 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. Mainstreaming climate action into official plans and policies can ensure climate change considerations are embedded into decision-making frameworks and properly planned for and managed. By effectively planning for changing conditions, Municipalities can ensure their communities are adaptive and resilient to climate change impacts. As well, taking action locally can lead to reduced energy costs, new job creation, and improved community health and wellbeing.