Programs and Activities
Free Skate Schedule
If you're looking for places to go skating, here's a great guide. Please note that schedules may change due to ice availability. We recommend contacting the Rink to confirm free skate times.
Winter Guided Walks

Hike Nova Scotia Hiker Challenge
The Hiker Challenge is all about inspiring, motivating and rewarding you - especially new and novice hikers - for getting out on Nova Scotia’s beautiful trails to start hiking or to hike more. It’s tailored to showcase the best of the province while providing helpful and fun challenges in doing so. Your reward for completing each challenge is a badge to show off on clothing or backpacks, as well as being listed on Hike Nova Scotia’s Honour Roll. Each season Hike Nova Scotia does a prize draw for a gift card to The Trail Shop including everyone who has earned a badge in the last three months.
Get your hike on and take the Hiker Challenge! A great place to start is the Pictou County Badge. For more information click here.
New Glasgow Badge Program
Are you a New Glasgow resident who has completed a Hike Nova Scotia Hiker Badge? Let us know and we’ll pay for it (while funding lasts) to encourage you to get outside, move and explore! Contact Veronica at or 902-755-8363.
Go Play Pictou County Equipment Loan Program
The GO PLAY Pictou County Equipment Loan Program offers an inventory listing of recreational equipment that is currently available for loan by the various municipal units in Pictou County. Our goal is to promote an active lifestyle while encouraging people to explore our beautiful community.
To borrow a piece of equipment, simply fill out the online form and the appropriate person will be in contact with you.
Hospital & NSH Community Building Walking Routes
Like walking or running and looking for some routes? We partnered with Healthy Pictou County and local illustrator Bonnie Fraser of Sydney and Surrey to prepare some walking routes from the hospital, the NSH Community Buildings, and other businesses and organizations in the area. Click here for some routes for a pre-work or post-work run/walk, a little break outside - or a nice evening event or family activity to socialize and be active!