
Second Reading and Public Hearing Notices - October 15, 2024

1. Second Reading - Property Minimum Standards Bylaw

Take notice that New Glasgow Town Council intends to give second reading to the Property Minimum Standards Bylaw at its Council meeting which will be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 111 Provost Street, New Glasgow, NS on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 6:00 pm.

The object of the Property Minimum Standards Bylaw is to provide the Town with the necessary, enabling powers to ensure “the health, well-being, safety, and protection of persons” as well as establishing “standards for the maintenance and sightliness of property” which are the responsibilities of property owners. This bylaw will simplify the process for administering the penalties by the New Glasgow Regional Police and/or Bylaw Enforcement Officer by incorporating the  summary Offence Ticket (SOT) designation into the bylaw.

Copies of the proposed bylaws may be inspected at the Town Office, 111 Provost Street, New Glasgow, NS during regular business hours.


2. Public Hearing Notice

Public Notice is hereby given that New Glasgow Town Council will hold a Public Hearing to receive oral and written submissions on the following matter:

File 02-24n: Rezoning application by MacDonald & Murphy Inc. Lot 51/East River Road, New Glasgow (PID: 00931071). The amendment to the Land Use Bylaw zoning for subject lands involves rezoning from Residential Two-Unit (R2) zone to Highway Commercial (C3) Zone.


The Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, at 6 p.m. at New Glasgow Council Chamber, 111 Provost Street, New Glasgow.

Documents and further information regarding the proposed development may be obtained from the Public Works and Engineering Office prior to the Public Hearing by contacting Jeffrey Turnbull, MCIP, LPP, Planner/Dev. Officer by phone at 902-755-8379 or by e-mail at between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., weekdays except holidays.


03. Public Hearing Notice

File 03-21n: Public Notice is hereby given that New Glasgow Town Council will hold a Public Hearing to receive oral and written submissions on a development agreement by P.Q. Properties Ltd. to enable construction of three, 4-unit residential buildings at 8th Street, New Glasgow (PID: 01006485).


Documents regarding this application may be requested from Public Works and Engineering Office prior to the Public Hearing by contacting Jeffrey Turnbull, MCIP, LPP, Planner/Dev. Officer by phone at 902-755-8379 or by e-mail at between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., weekdays except holidays.

The Public Hearing is to be held on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, New Glasgow.

Further Information may be obtained from the undersigned at 755-7788 or Jeffrey Turnbull, MCIP, LPP, Planner/Dev. Officer at 755-8379.


04. Public Hearing Notice

Public Notice is hereby given that New Glasgow Town Council will hold a Public Hearing to receive oral and written submissions on the following matter:

File 05-24n: Development agreement amendment regarding lands at Washington St. (PIDs: 65216764 & 65216772) to include text amendment & revised Schedule “B”: Site Plan and Schedule “C”: Typical Bldg Elevations/Design Drawings to enable an increase in the number of dwelling units (9 residential dwelling units to14 residential dwelling units).


The Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m. at New Glasgow Council Chambers 111 Provost Street, New Glasgow.

Documents and further information regarding the proposed development may be obtained from the Public Works and Engineering Office prior to the Public Hearing by contacting Jeffrey Turnbull, MCIP, LPP, Planner/Sr. Dev. Officer by phone at 902-755-8379 or by e-mail at between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., weekdays except holidays.