Community Engagement
Email Nancy MacRae, author of "Going Green at 70" at
Hello everybody,
Time for some good news.
It’s all about beer! How is that for trying to hang onto summer?
In California, Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company teamed up with Epic Cleantec to create a beer made from greywater. Greywater that actually came from an apartment building; we’re talking laundry and showers. Their intention was to prove that you could do it and their testers said it was delicious. Bad news is it isn’t for sale. Their goal was to get people talking and thinking about future potential. But let’s stay tuned – who knows when our local beer stores will be selling greywater beer!
I’m excited because I believe we can find good news if we look for it – people are doing remarkable things and sometimes that’s what we need to hear about.
There is a company in the Netherlands, Swinkels Family Brewers and they have teamed up with other like-minded companies to install the first iron fuel system to provide the heat needed for brewing their beer. Plus, researchers are working on a project to become the first to convert a coal-fired power plant into a green iron fuel plant by 2030.
I am not a huge beer drinker but I do enjoy a nice glass of wine. The great news is you can now find what is called ‘sustainable wineries’ in Nova Scotia. That means they have sound practices in place, for their water and energy use, preserving ecosystems and the local wildlife. Plus, they maintain healthy soil because that means they will grow robust grapes and for a long time.
You know when you buy six beers or six cans of pop, they often come in those dreadful plastic ring things, also referred to as yokes? Please make sure you cut them just in case they end up in our waterways or landfills. We know they are a trap for animals or fish to get caught in or strangled by. Molson Coors has decided to make a change regarding these plastic rings. They will discontinue using them and instead, their six packs will come in a recyclable, sustainable cardboard carrying box. This applies to Canada as well as the US so let’s keep our eye out for them.
The positive news is some companies are taking action and that’s what is important.
I just contacted Pepsi Canada to see if they have any plans to replace their plastic rings. Let’s hope they respond. If you have a few minutes to spare – send them an email. Things happen when we confront….
If you believe in a cause, be willing to stand up for that cause with a million people,or by yourself. ― Otis S. Johnson
Until next time, stay green.